And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

Not waiting for "someone else to do it"
To strengthen and support local missionaries to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark 16:15 "Then he told them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone.'

Sowers Missions was birthed when we heard the story of a mother whose child was eaten by crocodiles while fetching water out of the Zambezi River.  Once we arrived in Zambia, we found out that girls as early as ten -years-old were being sold in marriage as income since the families could not afford to send them to middle school.  

Not waiting for "someone else to do it", we partnered with local ministries to come alongside and help with support and funding many projects.  

Since the birth of Sowers Missions, we have and are supporting to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ thru area crusades in the US, India, Africa as well as other locations, planting churches, saving girls from child marriages, Bible Colleges, men and women's rehab centers both in the US as well as overseas, childrens churches under the trees in  Western Province of Africa, provide clean drinking water by drilling wells in remote areas, women and men conferences, Bible School in Equador, jungle churches in Peru. We assist vision and medical clinics in various countries and any other opportunities that the Lord presents to us.  Our goal is to listen and go where Jesus leads us, to give hope to those who are hopeless and thinks that no one cares for them! Time is short and there is MUCH to do both in the United States and all over the world!


Sowers Missions Inc is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Organization, 

We want to help people find and follow Jesus!

With your help, clean safe water wells are being drilled in Western Province of Africa!
It doesn't take much to show that you care and love just like Jesus
Girls are being saved from child marriage, and supported to stay in school to give them hope and a future!

Changing Lives & Bringing Hope

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